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July 22, 2023


Every false judge deserves a short life, removal from office, and death without an heir.


In this triad the brehon (or judge) is reminded of the consequences should they err in judgement or pass themselves off as more qualified to mediate a case than they actual...

July 14, 2023


The Telltown or Tailtiu Games were said to have been instituted by the Gaelic god Lú Lamhfada Samildanách – Lugh­ the Long-Armed Master of the Arts, and are considered to be the Irish Olympics Games.



They predate the Greek Olympics by about 1200 years and it could b...

July 14, 2023

Bretha Nemed –The Judgements of the Privileged Classes



The significance of status in early Irish society cannot be over-emphasised. Several important texts outline the intricate classifications which were based primarily on hereditary rights, kin-ship, property owners...

July 7, 2023

Listen to a mythological account of how the Irish got their language, and their freckles, as spoken in fluent Irish (with English subtitles) by YouTube user Feardia and read the humorous transcript below. 

Taken from the Auricept na n'Eces, the pre-Christian history of...

July 7, 2023

While the Corus Bescna text covers several areas its principle focus is on the law of contract. Its opening line reminds us:


"the world would be evilly situated if express contracts were not binding".


Additional topics covered include: rules of evidence, the duties a...

July 6, 2023

This Maxim reflects a common theme found throughout the BrehonLaws of Early Ireland; personal social responsibility. 
Social responsibility was both morally expected and in many ways legally ordained.  
While this Maxim in particular could be directed at the u...

July 6, 2023

A defining moment in the erosion of the old Irish ways came from the Vatican in 1155 when the Catholic Pope Adrian IV (1100-59); the Vatican’s first and only English Pope, issued the Papal Bull Laudabiliter which sanctioned the invasion of Ireland by King Henry II, Hou...

July 4, 2023

On the various names given to the land known as Ireland.

IX. Its Ninth Appellation it receiv'd likewise from the Sons of Milesius, who nam'd it Scotia, from their Mothers Name Scota, who was the Daughter of Pharaoh Nectonibus, King of Egypt or perhaps from themselves,...

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